PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on Polygon.

The People’s Money ecosystem is built on the basis of the Polygon blockchain, which allows for decentralized transactions.

#MBMX #PeoplesMoney #metalbackedmoney #NFT #NFTcollectibles #NFTGaming

What is MetalBacked.Money?

MetalBacked.Money is a decentralized digital asset backed by its reserves of physical gold and platinum, which means that MBMX is not only an investment, but also a savings account. Its goals are to safely increase financial well — being and have a positive impact on the lives of other people, helping millions of people shape their financial future — People’s Money.

What does the People’s Money PMXX project offer us?

With PMXX People’s Money, everything is simple! The project has a very simple and clear concept! PMXX People’s Money is digital money. In decentralized networks, all actions are performed and controlled by ordinary people, completely excluding a third party. The People’s Money ecosystem is built on the basis of the Polygon blockchain, which allows for decentralized transactions. All payments are made in a peer-to-peer network. No third party is required to act as an intermediary. MBMX is your ATM and payment system! Each completed transaction is processed, confirmed and protected by the Polygon network. In addition, only 10 million PMXX tokens will be minted. This limited stock ensures that it cannot be overstated! People’s money PMXX (money backed by metal) is backed by gold and platinum, which is a natural progression in the evolution of money. Thus, if you become a PMXX user, you will have access to an asset with a shortage of gold (and platinum) and price stability, but with the transactional efficiency of a digital PMXX — a unique combination of financial functions.

Why Choose People’s Money?

The most empowering thing you can give a person is hope and choice, through people’s money we give you hope and financial freedom with PMXX, MBMX, DuDe, and MoneyWithoutBorders.

I think it’s no secret that each of us would like to have a reliable and certain investment tool.

Now in our reality, most financial instruments and investment mechanisms suffer from volatility, and it is important for an investor to know about the level of volatility of assets in order to weigh the risks, reliability and profitability of his investments, inflation, it gradually reduces the purchasing power of money and “eats up” savings, excessive regulation, all this, as a result, increases income inequality.

You can talk about it for a long time, or you can turn to a new project that I want to tell you about.

This is People’s money! The project provides you with a safe and predictable way to increase your financial well-being.

PMXX will not only be an investment for you, it will also become your savings account!

  • PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on Polygon blockchain technology that enables liquidity, financial leverage, and decentralized transactions.
  • Transactions are peer-to-peer, involving no third parties.
  • Leverages safe-haven precious metals, Gold and Platinum, as its store of value.
  • The value is linked directly to the price of Gold and Platinum.
  • Only 10 Million coins will be minted.
  • Precious metal mineral rights (Texas Mine K-150) are valued at $ 7.8 bn.
  • Built-in Stop-Loss Algorithm

You will build your personal well-being, while having a positive impact on less privileged children and poor mining communities around the world. The project pays great attention to children from poor mining communities. Communities around the mines have suffered from exploitation in the past. Their children work in mines, a dangerous practice that robs them of their childhood. Instead of working in the mines, the project will help children go to school and get an education.

By investing in PMXX, you will become part of the team’s efforts to provide educational resources for children in these communities!

What is DuDe Coin?

  • DuDe costs ONLY 0.00077–0.0008 USD.
  • DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe Coins.
  • DuDe will *burn 10% of your DuDe Coins.
  • DuDe’s growth potential is up 9000% due to the tokenomics.
  • Get a 100 USD worth of DuDe Coins — Keep them for 900 days, and then sell them for 90 000 USD.
  • And as always, HAVE FUN while doing so!

*BURN = Burning portions of the token supply to increase the coin value in the marketplace.

What will give you DuDe Coin?

In a world where influencers are outperforming S&P 500 CEOs and crypto is smashing return-on-investment records, wouldn’t you rather cash in on the trend than suffer the wrath of FOMO?
Yeah, we thought so too and that’s why we created DuDe People’s Money!

Having paid attention to this project at the beginning of your journey, you have a DuDe coin for only 0.00077–0.0008 US dollars, having saved this coin for the nearest year or two, you will end the journey becoming hundreds of thousands of dollars richer!

How Does DuDe Do It?

  • The DuDe People’s Money ( runs on Polygon blockchain technology.
  • Transactions are peer-to-peer, involving no third parties.
  • 1 Trillion (1 000 000 000 000) DuDe Coins have been issued.
  • DuDe People’s Money is all about helping the unfortunate. Buy DuDe with ETH to help the World.
  • DuDe People’s Money ( directly supports Afifi Alaouie and Charity Organization.

You have two options (pairs) to buy in.

1.) USDC / DuDe as an investment.

2.) ETH / DuDe, and the funds will go directly to the charity.

CLICK HERE to Buy DuDe People’s Money on CoinStore.

CLICK HERE to Buy DuDe People’s Money on UniSwap.

CLICK HERE to Check DuDe on CoinGecko.

What You Need to Know:

1 Trillion DuDe Coins have been issued.

DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe coins over the next 900 days, working out to a 10% *burn of your own DuDe stash.

Numbers don’t lie and DuDe is up a crazy 9000% due to tokenomics. In other words, you’re going to be getting massive returns on your initial $100 investment.

Don’t let analysis paralysis make you miss out on yet another crypto unicorn. Buy $100 of DuDe now, hold it for 900 days, and walk away $90,000 richer!

So come and join us on the PEOPLE’S side, make some money, give back, and, above all, have a ton of fun doing it!

DuDe transactions are completely peer-to-peer, putting as much money back into your pocket and into our charity partner’s pocket by removing the need for third-party middlemen.

DuDe is run on state-of-the-art Polygon blockchain technology meaning you can carry out transactions faster with far lower gas fees. It’s a win-win!

Grab your piece of the pie by purchasing DuDe with ETH or USDC. Buy with USDC as an investment or buy with ETH to hit our charity partner up with some much-needed (and appreciated) funding.

You have two options (pairs) to buy in:

1.) USDC / DuDe as an investment.

2.) ETH / DuDe, and the funds will go directly to the charity.

You can BUY DuDe coin on CoinStore.

You can BUY DuDe coin on UniSwap.

Conclusion paragraph: DuDe coin is a new cryptocurrency that has some unique features that make it stand out from the others. It is based on the blockchain technology and uses a proof of stake algorithm, which makes it more secure and efficient than other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, DuDe coin has a very low transaction fee, making it ideal for use in everyday transactions. If you are interested in learning more about DuDe coin or want to start using it yourself, be sure to check out the website for more information.


Telegram Chat:




Bitcointalk username: Danny khan

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=3432305

Telegram username: @dannykhan

Polygon Wallet address: 0x86f2c1A5E98e57aDa57CbeF1c6Da42395C2Bf4c7


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